
WEDNESDAY'S HUM ( 5-10-06 )

Vermont HUM intrepid investigator reports health care compromise reached. Dems and Repubs get together to create Catamount Health, insurance which will at first be administered by a private insurance company, with guaranteed default coverage by the state. All residents will have access, but obviously many details not worked out yet. Less government than hyperlibs want, but hey, that's what happens when there is give and take. Gov D must be pleased; he really didn't want to veto this one AND he gets private insurer to take the plan for a test drive.

Red Sox batter Yanks 14-3. Weeks ago we told you how Josh Beckett gets stronger as the game goes on; this game was a perfect example. The scruffy Texan gave up an early blast to Giambi, but settled down and befuddled Bronx bashers with nasty curve. Other game notes:
* Sox SS Gonzalez sharp in the field - now starting to spank the ball.
* Despite loss, Giambi still looking sharp. Who needs enhancements? He homered, had a wicked single and had smart eye at the plate.
* Boy, did The Big Unit look old or what? Yanks fans booing. Somebody get that boy some steroids! No, just kidding. See, that's kind of a sore subject these days. By the way, no 714 for Barry?
* Ex-Sox SS Renteria tearing up the ball with 24 game hitting streak.

VERMONT HUM, one of the fastest growing newsblogs in Vermont, is now linked with ibrattleboro.com, which is one helluva community website. Check it out.

One of our readers suggested a ballpark theme at the Essex Junction Five Corners. Why not have a big screen TV at the intersection with satellite games playing around the clock. Ingenuitive businesspeople could hawk peanuts and popcorn and maybe even a beer vendor...well, maybe not that, 'cuz we'd have to drive when the light changed. Oh, well. Still sounds fun.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Play the National anthem before each game at the five corners

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, before each game starts on the big screen - have a local Essex person SING the National Anthem. That would really be special.

11:20 AM  

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