
MONDAY'S HUM ( 6-12-06 )

Increasingly, bloggers are ruling the earth. Okay, that's a bit dramatic, but check out the guest list at the Yearly Kos 2006 Bloggers Convention in Vegas. General Wesley Clark, Senate minority leader Harry Reid, Howard Dean, Mark Warner and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. The Daily Kos, sponsor of the blogbash, gets about 600,000 hits a day on it's left-leaning site, which handily eclipses circs of many major market newspapers. The Observer article is a good read.

Crunch time for VPR on Tuesday. House App commitee will review public broadcasting cut sheet and send to House for decision. Public broadcasting could take a hit of 100+ million with VPR possibly losing out on 100K.
Link here to VPR info.

There was a report of Anthony Pollina running down Church Street in Burlington but it turned out to be someone who looked like him.

About 30 to 40 bikers went on a spin in Burlington on Saturday in their BIRTHDAY SUITS! World Naked Bike Ride Day was a local success, with the chilled cyclists getting their point across ( too much dependency on oil ) and being able to finish the ride without anything getting caught in the spokes.

Had a nice nap at the Essex Junction Five Corners Light on Sunday morn. I got to the intersection and decided to kill some time by reading the Sunday Free Press. Things were fine until I started reading Ed Shamy's column. Suddenly I became very drowsy and fell into a deep sleep. Lucky for me it was a long light and I awakened just as I saw green. I felt refreshed and continued on to Fort Ethan Allen, where I swear I saw a giant kite flying in the breeze, emblazoned with the words Tarrant for Senate. Maybe I was just imagining it. Dunno.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's EdShamy?

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Who's Ed Shamy "

Ed Shamy is presently a columnist for the Burlington Free Press and is a stunning example of mediocrity in action.

10:01 AM  
Blogger Charity said...

Oh, come on. Shamy is funny.

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are there any columnists in Vermont that are heads and tails above the rest?

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kind of like Debbie Solomon's columns about how no one needs expensive food or modern technology.

2:06 PM  

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