THURSDAY'S HUM (4-06-06)
There has been vigorous debate, a robust exchange of ideas (Doesn't that sound like something our hospital CEO would say) regarding the use of wind power in Vermont. But quietly in the background, Vt.Yankee has been ramping up. More power to the engines, Jim! Yesterday, the Feds gave VY the thumbs-up to stoke the furnace, so to speak, and increase the power by 5 percent. There were protests planned, but they were abandoned presumably due to the Katie Couric situation. One protester said she'd hate to be in the field and miss any breaking news regarding Katie's career march.
We're STILL wondering. With the ratings rising, why dump Bubba Schieffer and bring in this annoying little weaseball. God help us.
Volumes of street HUM regarding Craven's new flick, 'Disappearances.' Another show has been added at the Essex Cinemas tomorrow, with star Kristofferson attending the first one. Still hard to believe he's got a master's degree, eh? When I think of Kris Kristofferson, I think of lost love, hunting, Nascar and drinkin' whiskey with the good ole boys. I don't think of Kris on the couch with a cup of tea, reading Tennyson! Oh, well. At least the logger hasn't weaseled his way into this production... or has he?
The light was so long at the Essex Junction Five Corners yesterday, I was able to eat an entire Martone's grinder from start to finish while idling. Have you ever had one their grinders - the thing is like 18 feet long. It was delicious and messy but I was also able to clean up with some wipes before the light changed.
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