
THURSDAY'S HUM ( 5-04-06 )

Increasingly, if you want the scoop, we mean the real scoop, you gotta fish the waters of Lake Blogawoga. After 30 minutes of trolling credible Vt blogs, one can reel in more info than any mainstream outfit can ever give using 200 sq. feet of newsprint or a 20 second rushed news clip. Wondering why AP superhero Chris Graff got zapped? Check out 802 online here.

From the halls of Fletcher Allen to the sidestreets of Brattleboro, considerable HUM re: Senator Sue ( Bali Girl ) Bartlett and her trip to the South Seas. You see, it's kind of an important time at the Statehouse right now. There is a budget being crafted and Bali Girl is chairwoman of the Appropriations Committee. It would be nice to have her there helping out. Unfortunately, she had to jet off to Bali for a conference, leaving half the state of Vermont shaking their heads and saying, "What's up with that?" What is up with that?

New method of doing biz in Chittenden County. Instead of working at home, people are starting to work at the Essex Junction Five Corners Light. There is a flame of activity at the intersection, with people using cell phones, laptops and calculators to get the job done. Maybe the village officers could put a copier and fax machine on the corner, right next to the WALK button.


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