
THURSDAY'S HUM ( 5-18-06 )

When it is cranking out text, the Hall Monitor is, pound for pound, one of the best informative blogs in Vermont. Check out Tuesday's blog entry re: S. 124 - a bill that requires legislative approval of Vermont Yankee's 2012 license renewal. Granted, this is boring to some, but significant to others, 'specially in a state where there are still tons of fervent individuals monitoring VY's every move. You see, there is some drama to this - the bill's deadline is midnight tonight ( was that redundant ? ) and nuke negs are worried that Captain Veto will ax the bill, leaving VY less restrained. Heavy stuff.

Bittersweet grad day for St. Mike's. The recent death of a popular student, mixed with days of unceasing rain and gloom, will dampen the ceremony literally and figuratively. On a brighter note, there will be some impressive individuals receiving honorary degrees and, we're sure, offering slivers of wisdom and comfort. One such recipient is teacher Vivian Paley, winner of the MacArthur "genius" award.

Spent an frustrating hour at the Essex Junction Five Corners Light yesterday trying to learn the game SUDOKO or SODUKU or SUZUKI, whatever it's called. Even with the peace and quiet afforded me while idling at the intersection, I still could not grasp this darned SUDUKO thing! AAARRRGGGHHH! Fellow blognogs, do you play SUDOKU or is it just an overrated, overhyped corporate invention which will die out?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you like chess you like sudoku

11:29 AM  

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