
WEDNESDAY'S HUM ( 5-3-06 )

Uh-oh. A minor setback for The Good Shepard. Hum on the street says Laura Bush visit in support of Rainville puts final nail in Mark Shepard's coffin. We don't think so. Remember, anyone can vote in the primary, and Laura's visit will spur some voters to change their vote from Rainville to Shepard.

Lively discussion of current events this morning on WVMT's Charlie & Ernie show. The guest after 9 was Shay Totten, the top dog at the Vermont Guardian. Vermont Guardian? Funny, last week we were talking about a paper with great circulation which nobody seems to read; here we have a paper people would read IF they could locate a copy. We checked their site for drop locations and found out Essex, Colchester and Williston have 2 or 3 drops - TOTAL! Dudes! There are lots of smart people in the suburbs that would love to read your paper. And that's where a lot of the ad cash comes from. Smarten up! To use campaign lingo, if you don't carry Chitt County, you're in a pile of poopy. Show us the newsprint.

OK. We predicted Montreal would beat Carolina in 5. We were wrong. We suck. Happy?

Litter is the subject on VPR's Vermont Edition today. Green Up Day is this Saturday. Imagine if everyone in Vermont got out of their SUVs and picked up shit for just one hour? What an impact.

I got to the Essex Junction Five Corners Light this morning right when it was turning green. Boy, was I mad! I had a whole day of activities planned. So much for a leisurely few hours sewing and knitting. Darn.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vermont Guardian web site is updated daily.

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the Brattleboro area, you can also get a sneak preview of the Vermont Guardian on 1490 WKVT AM, every Friday at 10:30 AM.

Same thing, different radio station.

11:15 AM  

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