FRIDAY'S HUM ( 9-15-06 )
Considerable Hum regarding the status of lefty network Air America. Here are thoughts from lefty site Think Progress and righty site The Radio Equalizer.
Gov. James "Jim" Douglas on the attack with ads calling opponent Scudder Parker "Mr. Property Tax." Strategically, it's a brilliant move; a moniker like "Mr. Property Tax" can be deadly if it sticks, think John Kerry being saddled with "Flipper." It was a death blow to an already faltering campaign.
Ol' Charlie in Burlington thinks Douglas is making a big mistake by focusing on Parker. "Why is Douglas going after Parker when he already has the election sewed up. Cripes, if the election was held today, Douglas would win easily, with probably something like 60% of the votes. What the hell is he doing!"
Vermont Hum tends to agree with Ol' Charlie. Governor Douglas would be better served taking the high road, focusing on his successes, and ignoring Parker, whose campaign has yet to gain any type of substantive and substantial traction. By labeling Parker "Mr. Property Tax", Douglas is putting himself at risk of being charged with name-calling and negativity, which would not be harmless over time.
FIVE CORNERS UPDATE - Essential collection
Had a great time yesterday waiting for the Essex Junction Five Corners Light to change. I left my car idling, hailed a cab for the airport, flew to New York, scalped a ticket, watched the Yanks win, flew back, and reached my vehicle just as the light turned green. It was simply marvelous,darling.
Air America bankrupt just shows everyone how sick people are of the Democratic whining and doom and gloom. Nobody wants to listen to that, even Democrats!
So what's the alternative? Rush Limbaugh?
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