FRIDAY'S HUM (03-30-07)
On Tuesday, the Williston Democratic Party held a benefit showing of "An Inconvenient Truth", with The Alliance for Climate Protection being on the receiving end of the raised dough.
We didn't hear of any protest action, but there is a considerable amount of Hum being generated by the findings of the TCPR (Tennessee Center for Policy Research) regarding Mr. Gore's energy use at his Nashville mansion. For example:
- Average monthly electric usage at the Gore mansion is about 18,400 kwh; a family of five in Essex averages 600 kwh, give or take.
- Gore's energy consumption has gone UP since he released the movie.
- He's been buying 'green energy' - since 2007!
Don't believe us? Click here for the nonpartisan TCPR report.
Also, the Canada Free Press had the best story on Gore's stumblings before the House and Senate committees. Here's a gem of a passage:
Sen. Craig Thomas asked Gore the pivotal question of whether atmospheric carbon dioxide increases have historically preceded or followed increases in global temperature.If temperature increases come before carbon dioxide increases, the notion that manmade greenhouse gas emissions are changing global temperatures would have the cause-and-effect relationship exactly backward.
Gore responded by describing how, depending on the Earth's tilt and wobble as it revolves around the sun, sometimes carbon dioxide increases precede temperature increases and other times temperature increases precede carbon dioxide increases.
That led attentive listeners to wonder, well, why worry about manmade global warming if it's the Earth's tilt and wobble that define the carbon dioxide-temperature relationship?
Apparently realizing his self-defeating statement, Gore then tried to backtrack by saying that currently, carbon dioxide increases are preceding temperature increases. It was a desperate and revealing effort to get back on message.
Fortunately for Gore, Thomas failed to pick up on the sleight of hand, his time for questioning ran out and the frustrating hearing essentially ended at that point.
I was sitting at the Essex Junction Five Corners waiting for the light to change.
I decided to count the number of idling cars and got to 53 before the light changed and I had to move on. 53 cars with shit spewing out of their tailpipes.
What would Al Gore do?
Gore is a major hypocrite!
On one of the networks, it was shown that Gore travels in a private jet, causing massive amounts of grade 1 pollution ---aviation fuel.
As far as the Al Gore story goes. Sen. Imhof is the one who illuminated Gore's hypocrisy, despite being sniped at by Barbwire Boxer.
Gore was flattened that day and will never regain his crdibility. He also lost any shot at a future run at the presidency that day.
As for the 5 corners....what WOULD Al Gore do....a logical person might say, hmmmm, hey, maybe if we build a CIRC HIGHWAY, and people can get where they are going quicker, they would use less fuel, and the cars that still needed to go through the 5 corners would have a shorter wait, getting where THEY needed to go quicker, and YA, use less fuel, and spew less crap into the air. Dunno....makes sense to me...but I just LIVE here and have to sit at that corner and breathe in everyone's exhaust every day!! BUT, we all know Al would be against the circ for some WEIRD WARPED reason like all the other liberals. Shouldn't they be FOR the circ? Less fuel....less crap into the environment???? I KNOW there's SO much more in their big picture, but I honestly have to wonder if any of those environmental lawyers from out of state had to sit at that light for 20 minutes every morning to get their kid to school, if they JUST might think a little differently...hmmmmmmm
DId it mention that Gore also pays a lot more for his electricity because it comes from renewable resources?
Inhofe? Tool of the oil industry, gimme a break.
to the comment person who said Gore pays more for his energy -
if you read the article, it said Gore just started buying green fuel, you stupid ninny!
and besides - so he pays more so he can pollute? stop protecting the ultra hypocrite Gore and wake up!
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