
Week in Vermont (01-18-10)

We scan the media for you

Brattleboro Reformer, Bennington Banner in trouble?
Funny, we had to go to the Rutland Herald for the scoop.

Shumlin arrogant?
Caledonian-Record 'splains why.

Free Press with snappy new site.
See it here.

Full text of Gentleman Jim's budget address
God love the Addison county Independent!

Interminable wait at the Essex Junction Five Corners light this morning. We achieved a boredom level rarely felt, and decided to pass the time reading food labels from groceries tucked inside our Mac's Market bag. One item we pulled out was a can of Campbell's Select Split Pea soup.
By the way - why is it always SPLIT PEA?! What are the other alternatives?
Anyway - get this. If you eat the entire can, you will ingest approximately (God, is that a ridiculously hard word to spell) 1700 mgs of sodium, practically the day's alotment put out by the FDA and the FBI. Insane. Remind me to e-mail Campbell's.


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12:13 PM  

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