
OCTOBER 15, 2009

Autumn, you are the season about loss.
There is sadness as the leaves drop from your trees.
And I crunch them under my feet.
The sound reminding me of the breaking of hearts when relationships end.
Bareness of trees reminding me I'm getting older as another year comes to an end.
And winter approaches with her loneliness.
Poetry Potpouri
copyright 2000

Dilemma at the Essex Junction Five Corners Light yesterday. We were stuck behind a dump truck with a big sign on the tailgate stating CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE - DO NOT FOLLOW. Yikes! What do we do? If we can't follow it, do we have to turn around? If we follow it, will we be arrested? And who made the rules about not being to follow this truck?
By the time the light changed, the sign on the truck had weathered and was unreadable so we didn't have to worry. Thank God, 'cuz it was just too much to think about on a Sunday.

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    Location: Essex Junction, Vermont

    Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. ~Erma Bombeck

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